Why going zero waste is good for the soul.... and clutter

A minimal bedroom. Lamp, plant on a bedside table. Laptops and planner on simple white and grey bed.

Less stuff... I don't know about anyone else but decluttering my home always seemed like a constant battle. It still is sometimes, the only thing I haven't enjoyed about having a baby is the amount I've had to re- organise her drawers. It seems like once a month she grows out of clothes and I have to find somewhere to store said clothes, although I do very much enjoy then doing my "shopping" which involves pulling out the next bag of hand me downs we have been given and marvelling at the new pretty things she has to wear. However, having a newly less cluttered home makes this so much easier and less stressful.

Want to know how I did it?..... I went Zero Waste.

Okay my cupboards are still no where near perfect, I still live with an incredibly tidy, clean man who believes if he can't see it it's not a problem so hides anything he comes across in the first draw he finds, but its defiantly becoming easier and easier the less we buy, and that's with a baby in tow.

by iTs nature living a zero waste lifestyle means less products.

I get an amazing sense of satisfaction when I walk into the bathroom and it looks clear. There's no longer hundreds of products falling off the side of the bath and when I open the bathroom cabinet I can see everything we need and use so clearly. Even now it brings a little smile to my face. We also know where it is when we need something... most of the time.

That doesn’t mean you should throw everything away.

I'm certainly not advocating running into your bathroom right now and throwing away all the things you don't use and replacing them with an eco, plastic free alternatives because that would negate the idea of less waste, but have a little look and see what you could use up? The bubble bath your not that keen on, could you just use it up before you buy something new? Or give it to someone that will use it? There's tons of recycling programs out that will take toiletries you don't use and donate them to Women’s shelters and different food banks. If your in Eastbourne, Meads food bank and looking for them. If your else where in the country see if there's a Toiletries Amnesty near you.

zero waste is a mind set.

To me “zero waste” is a mindset. Shorthand if you will for low impact, ethical living. For many of us there’s no where better to start with this mindset than our wardrobes. Unfortunately they are probably the most unethical part of our homes.

Fast Fashion

A minimal slow fashion wardrobe.

I've spoken about "Fast Fashion" in a previous "Fast Fashion" posts, its devastating affects and exploitation. We need to slow the entire industry down. This doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy fashion and shopping. In fact I would argue you can enjoy it more. Items become meaningless when they are disposable and cheap. Save up for something special. Have it in your basket or on your Pinterest board for months. Get really excited when that item finally arrives and wear it more times than you can count because you love it so much.

If you are keen to minimize whats in your wardrobe and love the idea of having a capsule wardrobe (this by the way will also help you buy less and love more) check out my latest posts on Creating A Capsule Wardrobe.

I’ve certainly got my eye on some treats. I would love a few things from Lucy and Yak. This company have amazing ethics. I’ve been lusting after of some dungarees and some trousers for like a year. I have a birthday coming up perhaps I'll drop some hints, or maybe I'll just treat myself as let's face it I would have spent money of a ton of cheap things, so a couple of really decent items that are going to last and be treasured is totally justifiable.

That's the point, the less we buy the more we treasure the things we have and the things we treat ourselves to from time to time. Things that I brought just because they were on sale or just because I sort of liked the colour end up screwed up at the back of my wardrobe forgotten about, looking a bit sad. That's when you look in your messy wardrobe and feel a bit depressed that you have nothing to wear. It all looks a bit sour. Que another pointless shopping spree and the cycle of negativity continues.

Start your zero waste journey by having an inventory of your home.

So here's what I've been doing. Once a week I'm setting aside 10 minutes, finding one corner of the house that needs sorting. Under the bed, my wardrobe, the bathroom cabinet, kids drawers, kids toys, games cupboard, kitchen cupboards. Just having a little inventory. Seeing what we've got, what could be put to better use with someone else, what can be used up and then thinking of a more eco-friendly products I could replace them with IF necessary. It's amazing the things I've found, and how much more clear and cleaner the house feels. And that my lovelies is amazing for the soul....

Good luck.

Hannah xxx

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Hannah Gorman