My Cloth Nappy Changing Bag. Essentials to pack when out and about with reusables.

So your using cloth diapers at home. Hooray, well done you. Starting is the hardest part. But now your wondering what on earth you do when you go out. Packing to go out with a baby is much like packing for a weeks camping trip the amount of things we seem to need so how on earth do you fit reusable nappies into that to? The answer is simple…

Travelling with reusable nappies or just for a short trip out is just as easy as with disposables diapers you just need something to bring all your dirties home in (a large wet bag) rather than throwing it all away. Which in many cases makes things easier than with disposables.

In fact I recently went on a trip to visit family in Dublin I decided on taking disposables nappies, hilariously I was so unprepared for disposables I didn't know what to do with them... sounds silly doesn't it?!!.. but when your used to putting it all in your wet bag I was suddenly wondering around with baby stuck unarm, upside down, tights around her ankles, looking for a bin. Can I put this in a normal bin? (She was safe the whole time I promise, I just looked disheveled and stressed.) And guess what, those disposables didn’t hold in the poo, something I’m not used to so we had full outfit changes before we had even reached the airport.

Because that’s the thing, with cloth nappies and everything you need in your changing bag you become completely self sufficient. Muddy clothes? pop it in your wet bag. Swimming lessons? Don’t worry you have wet bags for that! Potty training accidents? Wet bag for those clothes. And poo explosions, up the back poos? Well actually these don’t happen with cloth nappies but I’ve seen friends having to THROW CLOTHES AWAY because they don’t know what to do with the pooey mess. I would be saying.. you got it.. there’s a wet bag for that.

Anyway to make it simple for anyone that's worried about travelling or just popping out for the afternoon while sticking to a low waste lifestyle with a baby here's a little peak into my cloth nappy changing bag and why packing a changing bag for reusable nappies really isn’t much different to any other parent using traditional disposable nappies.

How to pack for Day out with cloth nappies.

The Best Changing bag for cloth nappies and for you.

I have the Bambino Mio Change Bag, here’s my review of it if your looking for a bag.

For me a back pack style changing bag was essential but you may feel differently (it must work for you of course!) but I do find back packs are slightly more roomy and cloth nappies do take up a little more room.

In my reusable nappy baby changing bag I carry…

1.Wet bags.

I a few large wet bags from Baba and Boo. their perfect for a days worth of nappies.

2.Cloth Wipes. Wet and dry.

I normally wet 4/5 wipes for the day and keep them in a wet bag. The Nappy Lady sells a whole host of smaller wet bags ideal for reusable baby wipes. I like to carry my cloth wipes wet to have them to hand easily for wiping hands and face and when doing nappy changes. I also have a couple of dry ones I leave in my bag in case of emergencies. I can wet these in a baby changing room/public bathroom sink if I need too or use my water bottle. I know many people like to just carry them dry and wet when they need them, even carrying a small spray bottle to wet them but I found this a little faffy and hard to do one handed which is how I’m often doing things. This is of course personal preference.

If your yet to switch to cloth wipes where have you been? They are the best thing since sliced bread and 100% my favourite low waste alternative. Find my Complete Guide to Cloth Wipes here.

You can store dirty wipes in the same wet bag as the dirty nappies and then chuck the whole bag in the nappy bin/wash when you get home.

3.Washable Nappies.

Three nappies for the day is more than enough for us, plus a spare outfit in case of accidents but remember cloth is so much more reliable for keeping explosions in so I actually had to switch this outfit recently as I realized the one in there had not been used for so long it no longer fit her. Not sure if that’s a total Mum fail or a celebration for reusable nappies. I’ll go with latter.

Here’s everything you need to know to start with Cloth Nappies.

4.A changing mat.

More specifically the Bambino Mio changing mat. I do actually have the one that matches the bag as it came as a set but I find it takes up too much room in the bag, I use that one at home (love it for round the house or throw just one nappy in for a quick trip out.) I carry one of their smaller travel ones. They often sell these in Aldi on their baby and toddler events.

5. Reusable water bottles.

Avoiding plastic water bottles is a must in our house of course so my water bottle comes everywhere with me. Having a back pack with a water bottle pocket also important. Plus it means you have water if you ever need to wet wipes.

So that's it, everything I carry with exception of course a lunch box or snacks depending on where we are going. I hope that proves that it really is no more effort to be zero waste on the go with a baby it just takes changing your thought process. Like you would have before you just top up for changing bag for cloth nappies before you go out and remember to take out the wet bag when you get home to pop in the wash ready for next time.

Hannah x

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